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Download DU Recorder Free Latest Version

Today it is very easy to share content and information, many people want to record the screen of their mobile phones, tablets and other digital equipment , and when looking for a program to do this, DU Recorder is the best option.

The latest version of the application has a size of 27.5 MB and will allow you to create high-quality content in video format, and stream it at the same time. DU Recorder can also edit recorded video and take screenshots instantly all from the device itself.

Download du recorder free latest version

What is DuRecorder?

DU Recorder is an excellent application used to record everything that happens on the screen of our mobile, tablet or PC with Android, iOS and Windows operating systems, and its latest version is 2.2.4. This program has great tools that allow editing and retouching the video made as the user wants.

Du Recorder Free

In DU Recorder before the start of the video recording, among its settings you can choose the quality , the resolution of the video and the famous frame rate or FPS , all this according to the demands of the person who runs it to meet their requirements.

Once the video is configured and made in DU Recorder, it allows us to continue editing, trimming or deleting parts of the video, adding music , controlling the volume , effects and much more.

Install DU Recorder

Step 1 : To install Du Recorder on any of our devices we have to download the corresponding installation file that we leave you on this official page.

Step2 : Once downloaded, open the file, and the installation will start automatically.

Step 3 : Finally, to start recording with DU Recorder, we must allow access permissions to the camera, microphone and gallery to the application.

Latest version DU Recorder official page

How to record screen with DU Recorder?

If you have already installed DU Recorder 2.2.4, the application has a very simple user interface to avoid confusion. If you want to start recording, these are the steps to follow:

  1. By ” pressing ” the start of DU Recorder on the main panel of the digital device, a floating icon will be displayed that is positioned on the sides of the device, presenting four sub spheres with different functions.

The first is the start of the recording, the second is direct access to the application, the third is directed to the tools, and the last is for live broadcasts to the preferred social network.

  1. “Select”  the sub sphere of tools, and the configuration of the application begins, displaying a panel whose first option to choose is the video resolution that goes from 1080p to 240p.
  2. Once the resolution has been chosen, the next step is the quality of the videos. Here the options range from automatic, 12 Mbps to 1 Mbps, depending on what is desired and considered correct, the option considered is ”checked” .
  3. In the third place of the configuration, there are the FPS or Frames Per Second according to its acronym, it presents the automatic option which is recondemned and ranges from 60 FPS to 15 FPS.
  4. Next , the location of the files, ”select” the location of the final video since DU Recorder allows the storage of videos at the user’s free decision.
  5. The recording mode , the fifth step to follow, is divided into two options, standard which is more powerful and gives a quality result, and the basic one with certain limitations and configurations specific to the application.
  6. For those who want the application not to be seen, in the sixth step of the configuration you have the option to hide the application , it can be ” activated or deactivated” to prevent the icons and name of DU Recorder from appearing in the video made .
  7. Continuity of the recording with the screen off , is one of the most important settings for the rest time of the device, it can be ” activated or deactivated” depending on the case, this step guarantees that the device when entering hibernation or rest the app will keep recording.
  8. Brush activation is an option where the person can write, highlight or mark a part of the screen that they want to enhance, this action will be shown directly in the video. Can be ” turned on or off”

With the basic settings selected and necessary, you can start recording the content that the user wants to show by executing the following steps:

  1. Position yourself on the main panel where the DU Recorder application starts and ” activate” the floating window , ”select” the recording subsphere characterized by a red button in the center, a counter will start and in three seconds the recording will start .
  2. Once the desired recording has been executed, stopping the video is very easy, the notification bar is displayed and the end icon identified by a central red box is ”selected” .
  3. After stopping the recording, a sub screen will appear with the final product and the options to ”delete or edit”, and the location of the digital file.

In this simple and easy way, DU Recorder is manipulated to record what is desired on the screen of digital devices, offering a video of great quality and clarity.


DU Recorder has a series of features that make it unique and very easy to use , it has a very intuitive main panel that avoids much confusion and is easy to use. In addition to recording the screen, it incorporates other tools:

  • Screen recording: This is its main feature, it offers a series of settings that allow the video to be adapted to the user’s needs, providing quality and professionalism while the recording function is running.
  • Final video editing: DU Recorder as the main feature in video editing, allows you to eliminate unwanted fractions, join more than one video at a time, select and add music and tones, adjust the volume and finally select the effects endings.
  • Live transmission for social networks: DU Recorder offers live transmissions from the application, allowing its configuration in terms of privacy, duration, quality and resolution.
  • DU Recorder on Capture: Capturing screens when recording or live streaming is possible with just one click, creating an image easily without the need for tedious procedures.

Du Recorde allows you to broadcast live for Youtube, Facebook and Twitch

DU Recorder available for Android, PC Windows and iOS

There are several versions of the program and they are free, DU Recorder AndroidDU Recorder PC or DU Recorder for iPhone , but both adapt without any problem to our devices and are very similar when it comes to using them.

To download some of these two versions you can go to the links that we leave you on this page, and the download of the file will start automatically. If you want to support the project, we ask you to share it on social networks.